Leidende Bäume und ein künstlicher Himmel
CO2-Bilanz, El Niño und tropische Regenwälder:
- A. Benett et al. (2023): "Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly", Nature Climate Change, 4.9.2023
Solar Geoengineering:
- A. Lockley, I. Mundra, P.T. Smith (2023). "Legitimacy and justifiability of non-state geoengineering", Futures, September 2023
- OSTP. (2023). "Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance Framework Related to Solar Radiation Modification". Office of Science and Technology Policy, Washington, DC, USA., Juni 2023
- Report der Climate Overshoot Commission (2023) "Reducing the Risks of Climate Overshoot", September 2023
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2021): "Reflecting Sunlight - Recommendations for Solar Geoengineering Research and Research Governance"
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